Folklore Foundation

Folklore Foundation

Lokaratna - Volume XIII 2020

Year of Publication: 2020

ISSN No.2347-6427

From the Desk of the Editor-in-Chief

The global crisis of Covid 2019 has taken many lives, despite the dedicated efforts of doctors, Nurses, Police and public servants. These heroes have dared to fight the Covid 2019 and have lost their lives while on duty. They lost their lives, and their families lost them. 

Folklore Foundation Family salutes those Corona Heroes who have considered duty as important and have never been afraid of death.

This volume is dedicated in the memory of these UNSUNG HEROES.

Mahendra Kumar Mishra
5th August 2020

Table of Content 

  1. Folkore in the Digital Age: Insights and Possibilities for Indian Folklore

    ~ Alice Samson

  2. Oral Traditions in Unwritten Languages in the Face of Digital Technology

    ~ Anand Mahanand

  3. ‘Vyasa’s Leftovers’: Shifting [Con]texts of Draupadi from Myth to Fiction

    ~ Aloka Patel

  4. The Mimic Men: Ralph Singh, the Marginalized Politician

    ~ Pradeep Kumar Panda

  5. The Enexplicability of Events in ‘The Trial’

    ~ Prachi Mahaima

  6. Language learning, cognitive theory and multilingualism: A proposal for India

    ~ Deeipshika Das BidishaSom

  7. Impact of Teacher Training on Pre-Service Teachers’ Belief Formation

    ~ K Padmini Shankar

  8. Developing Essay Writing Skills of ESL Learners Using Task Based Language Teaching Approach in AP


  9. Teaching on How to Achieve Impersonal Tone in Report Writing by Reducing the Use of Personal Pronouns

    ~ MonalDewle

  10. Language Buddy Scheme’ – Bringing Equity in Higher Education to Marginalised Students in Contemporary India

    ~ Akshay Kumar

  11. Self-assessment at the University Level: An Experiment

    ~ Mahananda Pathak

  12. Emerging Trend in Defining and Assessing Fluency in Second Language Speaking

    ~ Tannistha Dasgupta

  13. Book Review

    ~ Anand Mahanand

  14. Parijata Harana by Bsavraj Naikar – A folk play

    ~ Mahendra K Mishra

  15. Interview of Prof Mohan Ramanan

    ~ Sindhu Menon