Help the Folklore Foundation to explore Indian knowledge system!

Expression of Interest to contribute for the cause

Objective of Folklore Foundation

  • Explore local knowledge through documentation, cultural materials, performance and expressive tradition and disseminate them with critical research.
  • Application of folklore for curriculum development, eco-literacy, and similar development activities.
  • Sensitising  teacher community on  exploring local knowledge.
  • Application of folklore for literacy, curriculum development, eco-literacy  and environment  education and similar development activities.
  • Publication of periodicals and research books on Orissa folklore in Oriya and English language.

How does cultural knowledge and value diminishing day by day?

Today , the children  and youths are  in a moribond state by losing of their cultural knowledge and values.As we are moving towards the lifestyle that is based on corporate culture, individual identities, fragmentations, cyberspace and postmodernism, such community based values are fading away from our society. As a result, the folk forms, performances, rituals and practices which normally flourish under such values are also diminishing day by day.

What we achieved in 14 years

Converged with INTACH, IGNCA ,National Book Trust, India and Sahitya Academy

Members of folklore foundation have provided honorary support People's Linguistic Survey of India Odisha

Foundation has also the network of grass root folk and tribal community and organizations to guide and promote indigenous culture and knowledge


How are your donations being used?

  • Empower the community organisations  to  link  culture in school.
  • To distribute books and study materials in schools.
  • To help folk dancers, singers, event artists.
  • Help children in schools to learn their language trough their culture. 
  • Help promoting indigenous knowledge for  ecoliteracy.

Our Goals

Your small donation can support the conservation of community’s culture where no support has been provided in remote tribal areas of Odisha.

Copyright © 2021 Folklore Foundation